Sunday, September 22, 2013

Updated Artist Statement for 9/23

In recent weeks, I have changed and edited my artist statement to read as follows:

I would like my body of work to encompass the theme of the current addiction to technology that our country and the world is showing. It seems as though the majority of us, especially those in my age bracket, cannot leave home without at least 3 electronic devices filling our hands. Though technology has made incredible advances in the past few decades and even years, it seems as though one of the main downfalls of it lies in the lack of personal communication face to face. I have noticed that people my age now have a hard time making eye contact with each other, and an easier time faking their feelings over social networking and texting. Through my artwork, I would like to portray this theme in a way that shows the viewer about the downfalls of technology.

My recent work has been focused more on the breadth portion of my portfolio, as I believe just simply producing work at random will help to spark ideas for my concentration.

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